Friday, 10 July 2015

Ayesha (l.a.) celebrated the martyrdom of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.)

‘A’ishah (l.a.), fought the Imam with her utmost ability during her life, and when he was killed by Ibn Muljam and departed this world, on being informed of his death, she was so overjoyed that she prostrated herself in thankfulness to God, and began singing the following lines:

“‘Ali has died and there is no return for him. 
With his death I am as overjoyed as the family 
Of a dear traveler returning from his journey! 
‘Ali’s death illuminated my eyes!” 

(At-Tabari 6/155-160 the events of the year 51, and Ibn al-Athir 3/202-209, and al-Aghani 16/10, and Ibn ‘Asakir 2/379) 

‘A’ishah (l.a.)’s flame of enmity with the Alawite house was so strong, that she even veiled herself from his two sons who were her husband’s grandsons, and abstained from meeting them.

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