Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Ayesha the Fahesha murdered the Prophet sawa - Tafseer of Quran

Ali b. Ibrahim (ar) says (regarding the saying of Allah, “O Prophet! Why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you..- Surah Tahreem (66): Verse 1)

The reason for its revelation was that the Holy Prophet (sawa) when he was in the house of some of his wives and that Maariyah Qibtiyyah  (ra) used to be there  with him serving him. One day while he was there in the house of Hafsah and Hafsah went out for some need, then the Holy Prophet (sawa) had food with Maariyah (ra). When Hafsah (la) learnt of this, she became angry and came to the Holy Prophet (sawa) complaining - “O Messenger of Allah! This (you did) and that too on the day appointed for me and in my very house and on my very bed!”

The Holy Prophet (sawa) felt embarrassed. He (sawa) said, “Keep this to yourself. I have made Maariyah prohibited for myself and I will never partake food with her again. I am going to tell you a secret. If you disclose this secret, upon you will be the curse of Allah and the angels and all the people. She asked. “What is it?” He (sawa), “Surely Abu Bakr will be the caliph after me and after him will be your father.” She asked, “Who informed you of this?” He (sawa) replied, “Allah has informed me.”
Then Hafsah informed Ayesha about it who then informed Abu Bakr about it. Abu Bakr went to Umar and told him, “Surely Ayesha has informed me that Hafsah told her something, but I do not trust Ayesha’s words. So can you ask Hafsah about it.”
Then Umar went to Hafsah and asked her - “What is it that Ayesha is narrating from you?” She denied it and said “I have not informed Ayesha of any such thing.” Umar told her, “If this (news) is true, then confirm it for me so that we may proceed (in this matter)”. She said, 
“Yes, the Holy Prophet (sawa) did say so”.

Then the four of them agreed to poison the Holy Prophet (sawa). Then Hazrat Jibraeel (as) descended with this chapter (of Tahreem) – “O Prophet! Why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you..upto the verse - expiation of your oaths”meaning certainly Allah has made it permissible for you that you do away with your oath.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Ayesha divorced before Marriage to Holy Prophet (asws) as per Imam of Ahlu Sunnah?

Let us see a narration in this regard from Imam of Ahlu Sunnah, Ibn abi Malika. We find in Tabaqat Ibn Sa’ad, 8/59

أخبرنا عبد الله بن نمير عن الأجلح عن عبد الله بن أبي ملكية قال خطب رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم عائشة بنت أبي بكر الصديق فقال إني كنت أعطيتها مطعما لابنه جبير فدعني حتى أسلها منهم فاستسلها منهم فطلقها فتزوجها رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم

Abdullah bin Nameer >>> al Ajlah >>> Abdullah bin Abi Malika says    
When Holy Prophet (asws) proposed to Abu Bakar regarding Ayesha, He said that I have given her to Muta’m son of Jubair, so He told them and He divorced her, and then married her to Holy Prophet (asws)

Abdullah bin Nameer is Trustworthy, and Ibn Hajar wrote about him in Taqreeb-ut-Tehzeeb, 1/327
3668- عبد الله ابن نمير بنون مصغر الهمداني أبو هشام الكوفي ثقة صاحب حديث من أهل السنة من كبار التاسعة مات سنة تسع وتسعين [ومائة] وله أربع وثمانون ع
Abdullah bin Nameer……..Trustworthy

There have been some criticism about al-Ajlah, However, Ibn Hajar said in Taqreeb, 1/96 that He is truthful
285- أجلح ابن عبد الله ابن حجية بالمهملة والجيم مصغر يكنى أبا حجية الكندي يقال اسمه يحيى صدوق شيعي من السابعة مات سنة خمس وأربعين بخ 4
Ajlah bin Abdullah……..Truthful Shia

And Dhabi wrote in his book, Dhikar Isma Man Takallam fihi wa who Mauthiq ao Salih-ul-Hadeeth (Mentioning of Names of Those having criticism but they are trustworthy or Good in Hadeeth), p. 34; that he is Sudooq(truthful)  and Ibn Moin termed Him Thiqa/trustworthy
13 – أجلح بن عبد الله أبو حجية الكندي الكوفي (على) :
شيعي مشهور صدوق روى عن الشعبي وثقه ابن معين
Ajlah bin Abdullah, he is famous Shia Truthful, narrated from sho’bi, and Ibn Moin said he is Trustworthy

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Why did Allah declare Ayesha as Ummul Momineen

Since there is no contradiction in the Holy Quran, it is necessary to examine the verse that declares the wives as Ummul Momineen (Surah Ahzab (33): Verse 6) in the light of other verses.
We do not have to look far as the answer lies in Surah Ahzab itself in Verse 53:
‘…nor is it right for you that you should annoy Allah’s Messenger, or that you should marry his widows after him at any time. Truly such a thing is in Allah’s sight an enormity.’
(Surah Ahzab (33): Verse 53)
So Ayesha and other wives were Ummul Momineen (mother of believing men) only so that Muslims would not marry them after the Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) demise.
More than being an honour for the wives, the status of Ummul Momineen actually accords respect and honour to the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) since his widows are off-limits for Muslims, while he (s.a.w.a.) was free to marry their women and widows.
To interpret this in any other way is to lower the position of the one (s.a.w.a.) Allah has raised and to raise the position of the one Allah has lowered.
All claims that the wives are Ummul Momineen due to their personal virtues, piety, worship, etc. are pure conjecture and have no basis in the Quran.

Ayesha denies being the mother of all believing women

Tafseer e Mazhari
One day one woman addressed Ayesha as ‘Ummul  Momineen’.
 Upon this Ayesha became enraged and declared – I am not your mother, but (only) of your men.
 Celebrated Sunni scholar Muhyiddin Ibne Arabi – popular as Ibne Arabi asserts – This hadis is authentic (Sahih).

Other references include:
1. Qurtubbi under Tafsir of verse 6 of Surah al-Ahzaab (Surah 33: Verse 6)
2. Imam Baihaqi in his Sunnan (from الشعبيّ)
3. Tabaqaat Ibne Sa’d (from another chain than الشعبيّ)
4. Tafsir Mazhari (Urdu Edition, under Tafsir of Surah 33, Verse 6) by Qazi Sanaullah Panipati – the highly regarded scholar from the Indian sub-continent